Saturday, March 1, 2014

#90: David Crane's Amazing Tennis

Amazing, eh?
I assumed David Crane was a tennis player who I'd just never heard of but it turns out he was one of the Atari game programmers who got fed up with how bad Atari treated their programmers and quit to form Activision. He was involved in games like Pitfall and Ghostbusters! Apparently he was a big enough deal that he got to put his name on a game, like Sid Meier with his Pirates and his Civilizations.
Gender, race, size? Nope, the only player
customization option is handedness.
He only has the one game named after him, and I can imagine why. Amazing Tennis is only amazing in terms of how bad it is. The characters are pretty sluggish and I had a hard time moving into position to even make contact with most of the balls. Maybe it's realistic to be able to hit the ball where the other person can't reach it but if I can't have a rally in a tennis game it isn't much fun. Especially since I couldn't find any way to precisely aim the ball myself so I had no hope of hitting the ball where he couldn't reach it. I actually managed to score a total of one point total across an entire set.
Kanyanta > Ziggyny
I'm sure part of it was just not knowing the controls very well, but I found the game to be sluggish, frustrating, and not fun.

Rating: D-

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